Friday, July 12, 2013

To the south!

The sunny days were coming to a close. A few more days and the stormy weather would start painting the skies with a different kind of light. I was fortunate enough to squeeze in a little more sun time with friends as my last hoorah for summer.

As an unwritten promise left to a tree, I was en route to south of Cebu once again. I have been on this route a couple of times already but it never gets old. I was still huge-eyed. I have to say that this route is by far my favorite. Just being in a bus or your own private car driving through winding roads with the sea through your window so close that you could hear its waves of welcome. It is always exciting to see. I bet it is even more amazing to ride a motorcycle along this road. On the bucket list! 

We arrived close to 4 hours at Brumini Resort (our little discovery from my previous blog). Rented a table, ate lunch and we were set to meet the Gentle Giants of the south! Unfortunately, I didn't bring a camera with me through the whole duration of it. I feared that my camera would get wet...again (and pay thousands! ..again.) It was a good call not to risk it because it was a hella bumpy ride. The waves were roaring as if these giants were playing beneath. 

Were just a little farther from the shore and out comes one of them at the left side of our boat. We were full of giggles. At first, we were intimidated to dive in because we didn't know what the behavior of these creatures were. Nonetheless, once the boat parked to where it was suppose to be we dove in feet first and saw how majestic these creatures were from underwater. Even though I didn't have a camera with me to capture the scene, it will be forever embedded in my brain. (Cherished foreva!)

I made a promise to them that I would come back and take photos of them. They answered, “Ok.”